Daddy Hacks Seamhead Collection Baseball Jersey


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Triton X Retro City introduce the Seamhead Collection, lifestyle baseball jerseys designed by and made for baseball players and the game we love.

Live life like a 3-0 count. Daddy Hacks only. Includes a "cotton candy" columbia/pink color gradient pattern, the #99 on the back, and everyone's daddy - Stacheman - on the left sleeve.

Free Personalization
Add your own name and number - custom personalization is free. 

*If you do not specify a custom name and number in the boxes above, your jersey will not include a name and number.*

Returns or exchanges are not available for custom, made-to-order items that are made correctly according to our provided size chart. We strongly recommend that you consult our size charts before ordering.


Daddy Hacks Seamhead Collection Triton Baseball Jersey Custom



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